FYSH School

Call Us: (618) 659-0456

Fun-filled dental education school in Edwardsville, IL

It's no secret that the prospect of visiting the dentist's office can be the source of great anxiety for many people. When asked why, most responded that their negative opinions formed from a bad experience during childhood. It is for this very reason that Dr. Moody, as part of his ongoing quest to ensure that his community in Edwardsville develops good oral health habits for life, created the Find Your Smile Here (FYSH) school. By providing a fun and educational atmosphere for kids to get acquainted with dentistry, he is setting the groundwork for a lifetime of trust between young patients and their dentist.
Edwardsville Family Dentist Childen's dentistry day

Building a positive image for dentistry in children's minds

FYSH is a fun-filled way for the whole family to engage together on the topic of oral health. Chock full of science experiments, games, dental chair rides and the chance to win prizes, kids will work (and play!) with Dr. Moody and learn that the dentist is a trusted friend instead of another scary person in a lab coat! Knowledge is power, and in the case of dentistry, it is also the key to a beautiful smile for life. Creating a positive first impression of dentistry in children's lives will help shape their behavior and relationship to dentistry for the rest of their lives. For this reason, Dr. Moody promises to hold FYSH every year!

The three C's

Dr. Moody's dental office holds the "three C's" at the very core of its values. Those C's stand for: Commitment, Compassion, and Community. Commitment means making sure that everyone in his hometown not only has access to excellent dental care, but the knowledge to practice good dental health habits on their own. Compassion means understanding the root problems of the anxiety that prevents people from seeking treatment, while providing gentle treatment. Community means building awareness together in fun ways that keeps an open dialogue about safeguarding our health, so that we may live long, happy lives smiling with the ones we love!

The details

In addition to the fun and games, FYSH includes a full dental examination, cleaning and fluoride treatment. The whole camp is free of cost to patients with insurance, including this exam! This exam meets the State of Illinois dental examination requirements for kindergarten, second grade, and sixth grade. The signup deadline is August 12, 2016, so be sure to act fast! For more information, please contact Edwardsville Family Dentist at (618) 659-0456.
Dentist Dr. Moody at Woodland Elementary School in Edwardsville
Dentist Dr. Moody at Woodland Elementary School in Edwardsville assembly
Children's dentistry day
Dentist Dr. Moody at Woodland Elementary School in Edwardsville school assembly
A lifetime of good dental habits begin at FYSH. Call (618) 659-0456 for more information!
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